While several local festivals have been cancelled, the Poultry Days board remains optimistic about this year’s festival and is planning a full festival including rides, parades and a social tent. Festival leaders are communicating with the Health Dept and developing a Safety Plan. Poultry Days has received permission from ODOT to close the highway and from the school to use the grounds. All bands have been booked and the contract with the ride company is signed. To help with planning we are sharing the board decision to hold the festival on June 11-13th and not to reschedule. In the event restrictions are placed on the festival we will adjust as needed but will not reschedule. The board will continue to watch health guidance closely.
Bulk chicken sales are brisk with over 225 coolers of World Famous chicken already sold. Applications are being accepted for Vendors and Little Miss Poultry Days contestants. We expect open registration for the Miss Chick pageant and Grand Parade within the next week. Information on these activities, chicken sales and more are available at VersaillesPoultryDays.com. Event signage has been purchased and our application for a liquor license has been signed by village officials and submitted to the state of Ohio.
Poultry Days is happy to release our 2021 Theme Art. The 2021 festival theme is "A Village of Champions, Honoring Those Who Make Us Great!" This theme is inspired by the many everyday “champions” who make up our community… first responders, healthcare workers, laborers and business owners, to name a few. Our area has farmers to feed us, teachers to educate the young, and military to protect our families. What would our village be without utility workers, postal employees, coaches and religious leaders? Look around and see our talented performing artists, musicians, athletes, and FFA members who contribute to our community’s success. Together, we all do our part to make Versailles great and it is time to celebrate our champions! Who would you consider a champion?
The theme artwork was created by the 1984 Creative Group which is a full service creative agency specializing in apparel, ecommerce and marketing materials. Founded by Emily and Ben (Versailles Graduate) Bey with a goal of providing high quality design and products. 1984 Creative is located in Tipp City, Ohio.
We encourage participation from a wide variety of champions in the Grand Parade. So, think of your everyday champions and their accomplishments and let’s honor them! As usual, floats of all kinds are welcome to participate in the parade. The Poultry Days Board is counting on you to make the parade fun and exciting with the help of your creativity! Parade registration will open in the next week at VersaillesPoultryDays.com. Email PoultryDaysChairman@gmail.com with questions as you prepare for the parade
Festival Chairman, Brent Pepple, has been on the Poultry Days Board of Directors for 8 years. Brent is employed at Midmark as a Senior Engineering Manager. He is a 2006 graduate of Versailles High School, earning his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from The Ohio State University and Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Wright State University. Brent resides in Versailles with his wife Emily (Frey), and sons Tate and Callen. Emily also served on the Poultry Days Committee for three years. The Pepples are excited for a safe and enjoyable festival for all!
The Versailles 70th Annual Poultry Days Festival will be held June 11-13, 2021. As one of Ohio’s oldest festivals, this event celebrates the area’s poultry-producing history. The Village of Versailles welcomes everyone to visit and enjoy the festival.